
Coming soon!

November 18, 2013

We are going to try something new very shortly – Live Road Tests!

Well… when we say “Live” we actually mean a Road Test that we update daily as we actually have the car – not a test that comes days, weeks or even months (if we’ve been particularly lazy…) after we have had it.

Live Road Tests will stay pinned at the top of OVERSTEER so you can check up our daily updates of the car, as we live with it.

It won’t happen every week, because it will depend on when we have a car we think suits the Live Road Test concept, but it will happen regularly. Sometimes the updates will be very small and based around the fact that the car sat in the driveway most of the day, but that is what life is like. And we want you to know exactly what we think of a car as we drive it, even if we only sit in traffic on our way to the office, or admire its sleek lines from our desk.

But there will always be a day where we take it for a good thrash. There will also be days where we sit in traffic, quietly cursing its transmission, its shitty radio or the fact that the ventilated seats don’t cool our bottom properly. Or nothing at all. That is the idea behind Live Road Tests – you know what we think almost as soon as we do, even if that means we change our mind the next day!

We are off in Thailand for the launch of the Ford Fiesta EcoBoost next week (more on that shortly!), so next week will be First Drive and Road Test catch-up week, then we will get into the first Live Road Test when we get back! First up? We are thinking the Mercedes-Benz A45 AMG we have at the start of December. That should do nicely…

Stay tuned for more, virtually as it happens!