Tucked up the back of the Paris Motor Show in Hall 8 was the “Cars and Fashion” show. Or something like that – it was rather unhelpfully all in French, so we are a bit unclear on some of the cars and what purpose they served by being there – but they were all gorgeous and Hall 8 was one of the highlights of the show.
Here we bring you a selection of our favourites from Hall 8 at Paris!

Tucked up the back of the show in Hall 8 was the “Cars and Fashion” show. Or something like that – it was rather unhelpfully all in French, so we are a bit unclear on some of the cars and what purpose they served by being there – but they were all gorgeous, including this 1934 Peugeot 402 BL Éclipse Décapotable – the world’s first folding hardtop production car.
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