Every week Damien writes a list of five things. Every Thursday www.driven.co.nz runs it online as the Thursday Five, here is this week’s list of random nonsense!
Tag: Funny
Every week Damien writes a list of five things. Every Thursday www.driven.co.nz runs it online as the Thursday Five, here is this week’s list of random nonsense!
Every week Damien writes a list of five things. Every Thursday www.driven.co.nz runs it online as the Thursday Five, here is this week’s list of random nonsense!
Give a man a fish, the saying goes, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Teach that fish to drive, however, and you have a whole new kettle of fish on your hands. Driving fish. Studio Diip is a technology company that specialises […]
Okay, not strictly car news, but too good to let slip by really… A man in – where else – the USA has filed a lawsuit against BMW North America and seat manufacturer Corbin-Pacific after he claimed that a four hour ride on his 1993 BMW motorbike left him with priaprism, or in other words […]
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