Random Stuff!

Mad Max GoKart Paintball war!

To promote its upcoming game based on the rather excellent Mad Max: Fury Road movie, Warner Brothers Games has teamed up with YouTube adventurer devinsupertramp to make this rather brilliant and incredible GoKart/paintball recreation of, well, some part of the movie. It was pretty much all driving and shooting anyway, so no need to be specific. Not […]

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Motorsport Random Stuff!

Mad Maldonado

Lotus F1 driver Pastor Maldonado has something of a reputation as an off-road driver/one man car destruction team, and it now seems that Lotus have decided to embrace that with their latest F1 car. Featuring chunky off-road tyres, spikes, skulls, armour and flame throwers, it would seem to be a car custom-designed for Maldonado’s driving […]

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