News Press Release

Press releases and stuff…

May 19, 2014

We here at OVERSTEER get a lot of press releases from various places. A LOT. Some of them are pointless, but a lot of them are rather interesting. And sometimes they just have really awesome photos.

Here’s the problem we have – we just don’t have the time to turn every good press release we receive into an equally good article. Or even a shit article for that matter. We could just slap a quick intro onto the press release and call it an article, but that’s just not our style. Our style is FAR more sarcastic than that.

So here is a solution – a NEW section dedicated to press releases. We will run them as we receive them and they will be clearly marked as Press Releases. We will initially concentrate on motorsport-related releases (as they are usually the most interesting…) and see how it goes.

If you really hate it, then we will stop it. If you love it, we will look at expanding it. If you are largely ambivalent about it, then… meh…